In the heart of our community, a beautiful tale of dedication and vision began to unfold, sparking the inception of Acropolis Maranatha Academy. Over three decades ago, fueled by their unwavering passion for education, Mrs. Clara Nana Ghanem and Dr. George Ghanem embarked on an extraordinary journey to establish a school that would profoundly impact countless lives.
Their mission was resolute: to create an institution that not only imparted academic knowledge but also nurtured young minds with essential values, encouraged creativity, and fostered a profound understanding of the world around them.
The school officially opened its doors in 1992 with just five students and has flourished into a vibrant educational institute. Today, it stands proudly with over 720 students and a dedicated team of 50 staff members committed to the academic and personal growth of our students.
To nurture responsible leaders through creativity and innovation, forging paths to excellence and inspiring hope for a better future.
We Live to Love, Learn and Leave a Legacy
General Manager
Head of Operations
Head of IT
Head of IT